I have previously sworn off New Year's resolutions, mostly because I am never able to keep them. A few weeks into the new year, life gets in the way and those resolutions go right out the window. This year I am enthused to try it again. But instead of just one, I have a number of them.
Oh, they are the usuals:
Lose weight
write more
be more active
(those last two are counter-intuitive since one involves sitting and one involves moving)
spend less money
yada, yadda, yada...
There's nothing wrong with any of these resolutions. I'll bet they are the same as many of yours. But the problem is always follow through. We just don't seem to manage it. So what am I doing differently this year? A business plan.
In the business world, when you strike out in a new direction, everyone wants to see your business plan. They not only want to know what you are going to do, but how you are going to do it. They want details, dates, expected costs, and an estimated completion date. I think that is what's lacking in our New Year's goals.
So here's my plan:
I am going to lose some weight, not hit my final goal within a few months or even the year. I am going to do it in increments. I will celebrate each little goal as a major success along the way. I will plan my meals out for the week and go to the store early to be more prepared for the busy days when I am running from one place to another.
I will write more. This year due to a lot of unwanted and useless drama I got knocked seriously off track. Something that I regret. I allowed others to control my emotions and situation. This is a personal dilemma that I have had to deal with my entire life. But this year I embarked on a serious boundary and limit-setting campaign. You can do, say, or feel anything you want to, but don't bring all that negativity into my life. I don't want it, and there is no room for it. Love the person, hate the sin. I love you as people, but I will no longer tolerate your negative behavior. There will be no more manipulation, lying, or controlling behavior. Keep your drama to yourself. I am prepared to sever ties if I need to. These are not people that value and support me, and I am getting drained valuing and supporting them. Emotional Vampires will suck the life right out of you if you let them. The garlic is coming out!
I will also write more with one simple task. Very limited TV. I have already decided that I will give up TV for Lent next year. 40 days without it. I will even go so far as to hide the remote controls so they are not handy by the bedside. This will also allow me to read more. I have devoted myself to reading at least 15 minutes a night before I go to sleep. Being a good reader also makes you a better writer. There must be time made for both.
Spend less money. Ok. I will spend less money. I don't think there is any easy way to approach this one. One thing is that I will just not eat out as much. This will also tie into the weight loss thing. I will not be enticed into eating out more for my work lunches if I am more prepared with my meals and snacks ahead of time. Chopping cheese, celery and carrots doesn't take that much time!
And the last is to be more forgiving. Both for myself and for others. When I fall off the wagon, just get back up and start again. When others do evil things to me, I have to continue with my boundary setting, while still forgiving them. These two seem counter-intuitive as well. Like writing more (sitting) and getting more exercise (walking) it will take striking a balance between two opposite things. It can be accomplished through mutual respect, communication, and limits for everyone. How will I accomplish this one?
I won't.
God will. And it will involve a lot of prayer.
I wish you a blessed, productive, and happy 2018!