I can't do it.
Everybody hates me.
It's not enough that the world beats us down at every turn, but we have to keep up the fight, and continue to beat ourselves up when everyone else is done.
I'm a failure.
I can't do anything right.
Or, the expectations that we put on ourselves when we compare ourselves to others.
I can't make it on my own.
I'm afraid to be alone.
I don't make as much money as she does.
I have to show the world that I am better.
Better = more, bigger, better, nicer, more expensive, MORE.
So how do you let go of those feelings that cripple you. I've heard people say "Just get over it." That seems a bit cruel. These feelings go down deep and shake the very core of who you are. If it was that simple, there would be no problems.
The answer is a little deeper. Christ shows us in his life. You see, His purpose for coming here to earth was not about Him. "The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve others." He wasn't put first. It was about us. He wasn't thinking of His own accomplishments, He put others before Himself. We have to learn to take ourselves out of the mix. I will repeat the opening line in one of my favorite books, The Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. "It's not about you."
If we can stop dwelling on all of our failures and downfalls, then we can start to get past them. Don't think about how you see yourself, or how others see you. Think about how Christ sees you. Life will take on a whole new meaning.
If we can stop seeing ourselves through the judgmental eyes of others, then we can truly begin to see what our real value is. Because, truthfully, all insecurity really is, is the judgment of others imposed on us. Judgment is God's and God's alone. People have NO RIGHT to do that to each other.
Christ came to live (and die) for us. If you can turn things around and live for Him, then you will find true value and purpose in your life.
Pick up a copy of this book. It will change your life. (No, I get no kick-backs - but I wish I did!)
The Purpose Driven Life. by Rick Warren
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