Just one bite won't hurt me.
That is a lie.
Yes it will. One bite leads to another, which leads to another. Then it is one meal won't hurt me. Then one day, one week...
When does it stop?
It stops when we call it what it is. Temptation. And while being tempted by something like a cookie or slice of cake may not be a sin (that depends on the motives and thought process behind it), it does show weakness to the enemy (satan and his minions) and a lack of dedication. Every show of weakness invites more and more vulnerability. This battle with the evil one is hard enough without bring more and more heartache upon ourselves through our own actions. We can ask Adam and Eve about that one.
After Christ was baptized, which signaled the beginning of His ministry here on earth, He was taken out into the desert where He was tempted by satan for 40 days. Had He given in to any of these temptations His ministry would have failed. He had to show all of us that He was stronger than any temptation that was offered, and only by doing this was He able to show us that He conquered temptation. And so can we.
The answer--prayer. Specifically Grace. Pray for each and every single thing that you eat. Even if it is just a few chips from the bowl at a party. Pray for the little treats at the office candy bowl. Pray for the candy canes that come with your Christmas cards. Don't let a single morsel pass your lips without thanking and praising God for it. This will do two things.
1. It will give thanks and praise where it is due, and
2. It will make you more consciously aware of everything that passes your lips.
Most of us pray for our meals, but we don't consider snacking a meal. Hence, we skip the prayer of thanks. The truth is, we shouldn't. All things come from God. ALL THINGS. And we are to give thanks for ALL THNINGS.
1 Thessalonians 5:18 New International Version (NIV)Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.
My pastor, being a trained theologian, likes to point out that All means... All. When the Bible says All, that's exactly what it means. There is nothing that we shouldn't give thanks for, from the weather, to our situation and individual circumstances. There is nothing too small to go to God in prayer for.
So the next time that you want to let that one little bite slide, stop and offer a quick thanks. If you have already eaten it, give a retro thanks when you remember. Apologize for being late, and offer thanks all the same.
And above all, don't fall for the lie. One bite will hurt me. If you do not really need it, then don't take it. Don't graze from a bowl of snacks just because it's there. Don't eat just to eat. Wait until your body is ready, give thanks, and eat what is needed to sustain you.
And Praise our Great God in Heaven that He has provided for you yet again.
In the Great and Powerful name of Jesus, the Christ~
Grow (and shrink) with me.
Walk with me on this journey called life. Let's make our way down this path together. You too can create
Lori Sinclair ~ Fictionologist