I say that in jest. But seriously, how many of us have felt that way? Just the word diet sends shivers down my neck. My immediate thoughts are of all the things that I can never have again. I'm like a little kid in a lot of ways. As soon as you tell me I can't have something, like sugar, that's all I want and think about.
And before you send in hate mail telling me that I have it all wrong, let me just tell you, I've tried them all. From the popular long lasting "proven" methods, to the fad diets that come and go. Nothing has worked long term. I have been dieting literally for decades with no permanent success. Sure I can lose weight on any or all of them, but the results never last. It's a lifestyle change, but not a lifestyle that I have been able to stick to. Not one that has any lasting results.
I need something that can work every single day-without thought and without additional trouble. I don't want something that I have to buy little packaged meals and snacks. I don't want any special foods. I don't want to eat a different meal than everyone else. I don't want to be different. I don't want to be starving all of the time, and I don't want to feel like I am being punished. It's simple really. I just want it all!
So I am striking out on my own. I am going to take the best ideas from the many different diets that I have tried. I am going to take my favorite recipes and mold them into something delicious that I can still enjoy with my family, but can still work within my new lifestyle changes. I am going to try to compile the soundest medical data, the tastiest recipes, the best organizational ideas (move over Marie Kondo) and the smartest shopping lists so I will be ready to attack this newest challenge. By approaching the problem like a business and creating a business plan for weight loss, maybe I can be a little more successful this time.
I invite you to come along on this journey with me. Help me. Support me. Please don't criticize me. (Trolls can stay under the bridges please.) Send me your favorite recipes? Send me in recipes that you would like to have "dietized" and made into something delicious that you can fit into a healthy lifestyle.
Learn with me.
Grow (and shrink) with me.
Walk with me on this journey called life. Let's make our way down this path together. You too can create
Lori Sinclair ~ Fictionologist