Everybody wants to help.
No matter where you go, or what you do, it seems like you are all of the sudden surrounded by experts. People may have absolutely no knowledge whatsoever about your topic (in this case publishing), but that won't stop them from being an expert and telling you what to do. In my case, I've had people that I'm pretty sure never even read a book, and certainly know nothing about publishing jump right in there and tell me how it's done - which was completely wrong. To make matters worse, when that advice wasn't taken, they would repeat it over and over again, making a point of telling me how wrong I was.
Your choices in these cases are few.
1. Ignore it. This may or may not work. If it does great.
2. Try to explain what the case truly is and hope they understand.
3. Bring other writers, or other people to back you up.
4. Tell them that they are the ones that are wrong, (careful here).
5. Try to set up a boundary to avoid the topic. If you have to, avoid the person altogether.
This is not just my advice, this is Biblical.
1. Ignore it. (Turn the other cheek)
2. Try to explain (Go to your brother when you have a conflict and try to work it out)
3. Bring other writers (If they do not listen, bring your Christian brothers with you)
4. Tell them they are the ones that are wrong (seek council from the wise)
5. Set boundaries, or avoid the person (If your brother will not turn from his ways, take it before the church and set them apart if they will not change their ways)
All of this can be done in love and caring. This job is hard enough without opposition. Tell them you need them on your side, rather than behind your back. But, (and this is a really big but) you have been called by God to write these stories, and so you will forge ahead with or without them. Hopefully it will not come to that!
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