Feed your muse.
What makes your imagination run wild? Is it a good TV show, or perhaps a bad one? A walk in the sunshine? Or a dark and stormy night?
Whatever it is, feed that muse. Go to the zoo and watch the animals.
I once told a family member that I love to go to the zoo, find a nice grassy spot around the bird cages, have a picnic (Yes my zoo lets you do that) and read. Her response was "Great, I can read without wasting the money like that." I haven't been back since, but I think it's time for me to go again. Not because of her, but because it is a place that I draw peace and relaxation from.
Where is that place for you? Ocean? Beach? I go there too. My muse can take on many different forms. Being an unusual writer of both fiction and non-fiction books, my moods depend entirely on what projects I am working on at the time. They can vary as much as the seasons.
What does it for you? Where do you rejuvenate? If it is at church, then write at church (of course not during the sermon.) I am also creating a special place in my back yard with a little writer's corner under a tree. There will be electricity out there, shade, a relaxing chair and table, chest for storage, a blankie for those days when it gets a tad cold, and some nice drinks in the ice chest. What more do you want? It will be kind of like camping in my own back yard.
Find your muse, and entertain it. You will reap the benefits.
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