How many times have I prayed for more hours in the day? More hours to get things done, and more time for the needs of my family. A miracle of sorts happens every single year and yet I do not see or recognize it.
Spring. And no, I am not taking about Daylight Savings time. I hate that notion. I already get up at the crack of dawn as it is to go to work. Getting up an hour earlier and depriving me of my much-needed sleep does not help.
I am talking about the length of the spring and summer days. They are literally longer than the fall and winter days. In the summer it is light when I go to work and light when I come home, allowing me to be able to do more. I have more energy and require less sleep. Winter is the exact opposite. It is dark when I go to work and dark when I get home. With it being dark and cold, I have no energy to get things done as I do during the warmer months.
Learn to take advantage of this miracle of time each year. Now that we are entering the spring season (at least here in California), try to squeeze in more reading and writing time during the daylight hours. Keep those fingers moving as long as the sun is up. See how much more you can accomplish.
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