Sinclair Publishing House
We do not replace Professional Editors.We offer proofreading services on the level of a professional writer's group. You will receive detailed comments on what works and what does not work in your writing. We will catch as many spelling and grammar errors as we can, although since this is not our primary focus, we do not guarantee that every error will be caught. You will receive a cover letter detailing out our thoughts and feelings on the work on completion.
It's your time. Take your writing to the next level. Follow your dreams of getting published. Professional AssociationsMember, Inspire Christian Writers
Member, American Christian Fiction Writers Member, River City Christian Church Alumni, Inspire Christian Writers Member Writers Group. Alumni, Inspire Christian Writers Conference Alumni, Mount Hermon Christian Writers Conference Alumni, Redwood Chapel Christian Writers Conference Alumni, West Coast Christian Writers Conference |
How much does it cost?We charge $1.50 per 1,000 words. So for a 20,000 word document, that would be $30. A 50,000 word document would be $75.00. There is no word count limit, either short or large, however the minimum charge will be $5. There will be an extra $10 charge for rush reviews. Please contact us first. We will review partial manuscripts and short stories. Both fiction and non-fiction are accepted. Please make sure you choose the option to pay for Goods and Services Rendered when transferring fees.
All transactions through these sources are secured and guaranteed. Reference provided on Request. Please send questions to [email protected] How do I submit?Easy. Just pay the appropriate fee on either ([email protected]) or Venmo (@Loretta-Sinclair), and send your Word document to [email protected] We use Track changes to detail out comments throughout the manuscript. If you have another word processing program, please contact us first to determine compatibility. All documents are scanned for viruses both on receipt and return.
When both payment and manuscript are received and the word count is verified, you will receive an email acknowledging receipt with an estimated completion date. If there are any special requests, please include those in the email containing the Word document. Examples of these would be, rush review, focus on POV, world-building, setting, spelling, dialogue, etc. Please, No LGBTQ, Swingers, or Erotica. This is not my area of expertise and I cannot perform a quality job. I will be happy to find you a referral of you need one. |