Shame on you Bill Nye! Here's the story as I understand it.
So the Bill Nye that we all grew up watching on PBS and the l0vable Science Guy has put his foot in his mouth. After visiting the new Noah's Ark exhibit in Kentucky (after swearing that he would not) his public comments were that he wished it would never open, further stating that it would:
"indoctrinate children into this extraordinary and outlandish, unscientific point of view."
This is a very closed minded, and decidedly unscientific point of view. In this day and age, we need to not only show tolerance and acceptance of other people's points of view, but show respect for them too. You are a teacher of young children. You are someone we all grew up respecting. It is a shame that feeling does not flow both ways.
If I might ask, what makes you so convinced that you are right?
And if you really believe you are, prove it!
Read the entire story here:
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