As writer's, especially full-time employed writers, there needs to be some sacrifices to make time for our craft. So, let's start off with the big one, and for many, the one that will hurt the most.
The boob tube;
The sqwak box;
The instrument responsible for the dumbing down of society;
I have to admit that I am addicted to Food Network. I love cooking shows, especially the competition type. Top Chef, on Bravo Channel is my favorite television show these days, and has been for 12 years now. One of the reasons is that when I get home from a long day at work (medical billing and collections) my brain is tired. Food TV is easy to watch. It's not taxing to my senses. I can leave halfway through the show, come back a bit later and not really miss anything - yet I turn it on every single day. In fact, it's on right now, and I'm not even watching it. I listen to it instead.
Yet, if I were to turn it off, then my mind could be clear to work on writing rather than the distraction of white noise in the background. I could get more done - more research, writing, plotting, story boarding, marketing, blogging, etc. if I would just turn it off for a night to focus.
So that's my first sacrifice for Lent. And, after all, we have these magical creations called DVR's, or for the old school folks, VCR's. Sacrificing TV doesn't have to be every day. Just something to think about.
See life differently.
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