Never stop learning.
We live in an exciting age. Well, for some of us at least. Technology is exploding around us, and what was impossible just a few short years ago is commonplace now.
When I was growing up nobody had computers. Only the geniuses at IBM had ever even seen one. Families certainly did not own one. In fact, we didn't have a color TV until I was in elementary school. There were only three channels, and there was no such thing as a remote control.
Nowadays computers and all of their functionality is at our fingertips. Even if you do not own a computer yourself, often times you will use one at work, or simply visit the library. Information is ours for the taking, but we still have to make the effort to reach out and grab it.
I would apply this to Biblical knowledge also. It is there for the taking. Bibles are freely available to all. They are at every library and church. There are free versions online, and you can find them at garage sales too. Biblical knowledge is far more important than the advances made in technology and society today for one reason: It involves where you will spend eternity.
If you have had the calling to spread His word, as I have, then you have an obligation to be as informed as accurate as you can. And that means learning. Read, go to church, stay for Bible Study, teach Sunday School, speak to those more learned than you are.
We owe that much to God, for all He has done for us.
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