By now we all know that they are not real, except in our minds. They are the living legends of old. Vampires have an eternal existence. I hesitate to call it 'life' since it is no life at all. They drink the blood of another living thing (can be animals) for their strength and survival. They come out in the dark, because they are darkness itself. The sacrifice of the intended victim is what keeps them alive.
Now to the Bible. At the Last Supper Jesus held up a loaf of bread and said, "take and eat. This is my body, broken for you for the forgiveness of sin. Do this in remembrance of me." Then he held up a glass of wine to his disciples and said, "take and drink. This is the my blood shed for you, for the forgiveness of sin. Do this in remembrance of me." We do this as a reminder of the great sacrifice He made for us, so that we could have eternal life. True life, not just existence. The sacrifice of one man is what keeps us all alive.
I think that the legend of the vampire is meant to throw people off of the one true Savior. I think that this was a ploy of the enemy (one of many) to lead people the wrong way. We need to be strong and reject what is not true. We see it in our culture all the time, but we need to keep in mind what the true meaning of eternal life, and the blood sacrifice really means.
So enjoy the movies and books, always remembering the true Blood of the Covenant with Jesus Christ, the Son of God. His blood alone can give eternal life. Movies are entertainment. God is life.
~ Lori
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