It took me decades to realize that she never believed that about herself.
When life beats us down, it is easy to get caught up in the pity party of "why me?" But when we look past ourselves, to the life around us, things take on a whole new perspective.
Remember the old saying" God will never put you through more than you can handle?"
Well, nobody ever looks at why we are handling things. Nothing is an accident. We are all here, right where we need to be, for a reason. Sometimes that reason is only known to Him. Sometimes that "higher calling" doesn't come in the form that we want it to. Sometimes things don't fit neatly into our little box called life.
What we need to do is to break out of the box. Don't let anyone ever stuff you into their box of judgement - whether it be judgement of themselves, or of you. Sure they might get angry when you fight against it, but a true relationship will weather the storm.
I wish that my mother could see her accomplishments through me. She raised me to be a self-sufficient, successful business woman, author, entrepreneur, mother, daughter, friend, and believer. Everything that she feels like life cheated her out of. Yet, here we are, right in front of each other. We did it. Both of us, together.
Open your eyes, look past yourself and into the eyes of those looking back at you.
What do you see?
Can you see life differently?
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See life differently.
Re-invent the impossible.
Loretta Sinclair