So let's think about it factually, or rather Biblically.
God created man in His own image. I have an imagination, so that means God must have one too. If you doubt that, just look around.
On the fifth day, God said “Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the vault of the sky.” ...On the sixth day God said “Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds, the livestock, the creatures that move along the ground, and the wild animals, each according to its kind.” No names are given, or descriptions. There could have been dragINZ. ~ So why not both? Creatures that can move upon the ground AND fly in the air? Birds can. So can DragINZ.
I think the conflict is that someone decided a long time ago that the image of DragINS are the likeness of serpents, so therefore inherently evil. Have you ever been judged unfairly by someone? Have you heard things like... all (fill in ethnic group here)'s are criminals; or all (fill in ethnic group here)'s are stupid? That's judgmental, and one of our big no-no's!
DragINS don't judge you, so let's not judge them!
In the 1800's a little girl was walking with her father on the sea shore. The waves had uncovered the bones of a giant Tyrannosaurus Rex. She looked up at her father and said, "Look Daddy! A Dragon!"
Open your mind and your heart. Let a little fantasy in. Your faith can handle it! God made you that way.
And check out what the DragINZ can do in my new book, The PriZin of Zin!
See life differently.
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Loretta Sinclair
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