Today's tip is both time-saving and money-saving.
If you still have what my children like to call my "big girl job," then you know what it is like to balance a budding writing career, family, church, friends, and a full time job. So, to that end, today's tip can help on all accounts.
Limit your lunches with co-workers out to once a week, if at all. Use the remaining hours (an additional 4 or 5 hours a week) to blog, outline, edit, do your social media updates, and even Bible study. This frees up additional hours after work to either write, spend time with family, or deal with those ever-present emergencies.
You can also get up an extra 30 minutes to an hour each day to do these tasks too. Myself, I write best in the morning. That is when my brain is the freshest. But my job schedule does not permit that. I would be getting up around 3:30 in the morning. Rather than doing that, I have chosen to sacrifice my lunches out with friends to about once or twice a month. That way I use the rest of the time to be able to do some of the shorter, more routine tasks associated with writing, leaving the larger blocks of time for either the evenings or weekends. It is something that works for me. Your specific schedule will work better for you. And, if you are trying to work around school children, you may find that breaking your writing day up into smaller blocks of time - 30 minutes here, and 30 minutes there - might be the best course of action.
So sit back and take a good, long look at your schedule. See what can give a little bit, and where. You may have to squeeze a bit here and there, but in the end it will all be worth it when those books come in the mail!
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