For me, the breed that is the closest to a werewolf is the German Shepherd. They have a thick mane of gorgeous fur that you can really run your fingers through, and an elongated snout showing vicious looking canine teeth that they seldom choose to use.
Werewolves are known to have thick fur, and superhuman strength. When turned at the full moon they are not completely animal, but still retain some human qualities, one of which is choice. They can choose when to attack and when to stand back. While they do not always have the choice of being a werewolf, they have free will to some degree while under the moon’s influence.
In the movies, the werewolf is always betrayed by those close to them. Someone finds out what they really are, gossip starts, and the wolf is hunted, often killed. They had to keep their condition a secret.
There is a similar story in the Bible I am reminded of - The story of Samson. He had beautiful sleek hair and superhuman strength. His enemies tried to tame him, but they could not. He could not be beaten. Once when the townspeople tried to trap him, he tore the doors and posts of the city gate off and carried them off to the hills. Samson was strong. He could snap bowstrings easily. But there was a secret.
Samson’s downfall was he fell in love with the wrong person. He was betrayed. Delilah persuaded him to give up his secret. She pretended to love him, and he trusted her. The secret was his beautiful hair. He had been dedicated to God at birth, so no razor had ever touched his head. One day while he was sleeping, she had his enemies come and cut his hair off. His strength left him, (as the werewolf’s does when he returns to human form). He was captured, enslaved, and tortured.
But his hair started to grow back. Then he prayed. His strength returned. When he was tied between two pillars at the temple, he asked God to strengthen him just once more. He used his great strength to pull down the pillars and crush his enemies. Samson died this day, but so did all of his enemies.
Werewolves have enemies, just like people do. It seems like there is always someone trying to take us down. But be strong, even superhuman strong. God can answer your prayers when you need it. He did for Samson.
Read Judges 16 for the whole story.
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