Pork Chop has no mother. You see, his mother died in labor trying desperately to give him life. She died on the table at an Emergency Vet Clinic, as well as all of the other pups in the litter. Pork Chop was the sole survivor.
Now, as if that wasn't bad enough, the owners then abandoned him at the clinic. Facing certain death, and against all odds, this little guy, coupled with the staff at the clinic, refused to die. He was eye-dropper fed until he was old enough to eat on his own. Fostered until he was adoptable, Pork Chop thrived.
Now he has made his home with us. This is my third grand-dog. The others are huge, weighing nearly 100 pounds each, Pork Chop knows no fear in life. He treats the others as though they are his equals, and even tries to play with the cat (although he may have met his match with her).
What hardships has life thrown at you? What do you need to overcome? Maybe you need a little help getting started. Maybe you are the one that refuses to give up. When life throws everything at you, do you just lay down and die?
Or do you fight, knowing that something better is just around the corner. If this little guy can defy the odds and grow to be a little man, then so can you.
Be a Pork Chop!
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Loretta Sinclair