Yes. Absolutely.
How do I know?
The Bible says He does.
Pilate's wife (Matthew 27:19): During Jesus’ trial, Pilate’s wife sent an urgent message to the governor encouraging him to free Jesus. Her message was prompted by a dream she had—a nightmare, really—that convinced her that Jesus was innocent and that Pilate should have nothing to do with His case.
Joseph (Matthew 1:20; 2:13): Joseph would have divorced Mary when he found out she was pregnant, but God sent an angel to him in a dream, convincing him that the pregnancy was of God. Joseph went ahead with the marriage. After Jesus was born, God sent two more dreams, one to tell Joseph to take his family to Egypt so Herod could not kill Jesus and another to tell him Herod was dead and that he could return home.
God protects us from others, and sometimes ourselves through our dreams. Have you ever had an idea while you were dreaming, that solved a problem or answered something you were worried about? Have you ever just known something you could not possibly have known, and the knowledge came to you in a dream?
Solomon (1 Kings 3:5): It was in a dream that God gave Solomon the famous offer: "Ask what you wish Me to give you." Solomon chose wisdom.
When our hearts are open and our minds clear, that is when we are open to hear the ‘still small voice’ of the Great God of the Universe. When are we more open than when we are completely relaxed, the world is quiet, and we are at peace. Then just ask God, while you are awake, if what you dreamt was a message from Him, or the product of an active imagination. He will find a way to answer, if you just ask.
Dream It.
Wish It.
Do It.
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