All kidding aside, we, as a world are fascinated with this concept, and the thought that people can raise from the dead. Where does this all stem from?
I believe it is from Scripture. And we have documented proof. Look at the Bible, in Matthew 27:50-53. After Jesus rose from the dead (first documented case of this in all of history), he was followed by many others (Holy people), who made their presence known and were seen by many people. These were people who had died, and were literally brought back to life with Jesus. They were dead - really dead - and then they were up walking around again. BAM! The first Zombies.
That's where I want to be, Right by Jesus side when my time comes! You can too. Just believe.
Many thanks to my readers for the many comments and messages on this subject. And to Debra for pointing out that there were actual zombies in the Bible!
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