Book Review disclaimer: Being a fantasy author, I felt that the "star system" was way too boring. I will be assigning between one and five dragons to my reviews. (Five dragons meaning the book stole my heart). So, here we go.
Because of Grace: A Mother's Journey from Grief to Hope... Jane S. Daly
My Review: 5 Dragons
A mother's worst nightmare is to lose a child. Losing anybody is hard, but to lose a child, no matter what age, would have to be the worst kind of pain a person can imagine.
I've lost a few family members, mostly elderly ones. And on some level, even though they were unexpected, I was more or less prepared. Old people are supposed to go to Heaven first. Now, my definition of 'old' has changed over the years, but the feeling is still the same. But to lose a child: unimaginable.
I met Jane a couple of years ago at our writer's group. She asked me to give her book one final proof read before it went off to the publisher. I was mesmerized. She laid her hurt and pain out there for the world to see. But through the grief and hurt that I felt bleeding from the pages, the spirit of Truth and Hope shone through. The true Healing that can only come from the Grace of God brought her back from the brink of despair, and back to a world filled with hope and life.
It is hard to understand and support someone when you do not truly know what they are going through. This book is HIGHLY RECOMMENDED if you have lost a loved one, know someone who has lost a loved one, or need to experience the up-close-and-personal true and living Grace of God.
Visit her website: http://www.janesdaly.com/
This book is a truly inspirational and blessing-in-disguise read. I will not only read it again, but I will recommend it, loan it to friends, and shout it from the hillside. We have hope,
Because of Grace!
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