The undersea volcano, Kavachi, is active. Which made the mission to explore it extremely dangerous. Not only is it dangerous due to the temperature of the water, but also because of the acidic content of the water. It can cause chemical burns on the divers that get too close. So the dive teams deployed cameras and robots. Imagine what they saw when they came over the edge:
Now that is something right out of a fantasy novel. In fact, the PriZin of Zin was written with an underground active volcano. The story is one of action and adventure that brings three lost children right to the brink of the volcano and a very difficult choice. To trust and let go, or hand on and die. Check it out at:
Amazon.com The Prizin of Zin
Barnes and Noble The Prizin of Zin
Faith & Fantasy…
Unbelievable Stories with an Undeniable Truth!
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