Ash Wednesday, a day of fasting, is the first day of Lent in Western Christianity. It occurs 46 days (40 fasting days, if the 6 Sundays, which are not days of fast, are excluded) before Easter and can fall as early as 4 February or as late as 10 March. Ash Wednesday is observed by many Western Christians, including Catholics,[note 1] Lutherans, Methodists, Anglicans, and Presbyterians.[1]
According to the canonical gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, Jesus Christ spent 40 days fasting in the desert, where he endured temptation by Satan.[2] Lent originated as a mirroring of this, fasting 40 days as preparation for Easter. Every Sunday was seen as a commemoration of the Sunday of Christ's resurrection and so as a feast day on which fasting was inappropriate. Accordingly, Christians fasted from Monday to Saturday (6 days) during 6 weeks and from Wednesday to Saturday (4 days) in the preceding week, thus making up the number of 40 days.[3]
Ash Wednesday derives its name from the practice of blessing ashes made from palm branches blessed on the previous year's Palm Sunday, and placing them on the heads of participants to the accompaniment of the words "Repent, and believe in the Gospel" or "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return".[4]
So, for writers what does this mean? For me, to have the time to write means sacrifice. I still have a more-than-full-time job. I am a single mom, a working mom, church volunteer, and author. Something, somewhere has to give.
So for the next 40 days of Lent, we will explore some things that we, as writers, can sacrifice to be better writers, and better Christians. Hopefully these things will bring us closer to our work, and closer to God.
So come with me on a journey of Sacrifice and Self-examination. Christ gave His life for all, what can we give up for Him?
See life differently.
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Loretta Sinclair
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