Here we are again, on the verge of November, and that time of year that us werd-nerds love the most National Novel Writing Month. aka: NaNoWriMo.
Tonight at midnight starts the fun. 50,000 words in 30 days. For those good at math, that translates to 1,667 words per day. Piece of cake, you say. Well, yes. That is until life gets in the way and you start to get behind. You see, the challenge is to do it around your normal everyday life. No calling in sick to work. No hiring a nanny for the kids. You have to write a novel in your spare time for the life you normally lead. No Problem!
And this year there is an additional challenge. 11/11/11. 11,000 words written on the three day weekend of Veterans Day beginning 11/11. That will be especially painful. That one translates into just under 4,000 words per day. Hopefully most of us will have those three days off. I do. So much for going to Apple Hill.
So say goodbye to a clean house and home cooked meals. Share some extra love on your author friends and relatives. They will be a tad cranky this month.
But above all, be supportive. This is no small challenge. It is a personal best challenge that you can't understand until you try it.
Go NaNo!
Check back for details regularly.
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