This is history in the making. Never before have I witnessed such presidential protests directed toward the man, rather than the office, or the policies. I’ve seen war protests. Immigration protests. I’ve seen healthcare protests. I’ve seen police protests, and race protests. What I see happening in this country right now is unprecedented. With the exception of the ‘hanging chad’ debacle, this is the closest race I have witnessed in my 57 years. You were not my choice, not because I hold anything personally against you, but because I did not feel that you had the correct experience to run the country. I hope that you prove me wrong, and I will gladly eat my words.
There were a lot of disturbing things that came up with your campaign. You have an opportunity before you that very few individuals ever see. I hope you take advantage of it, and understand the gravity of what has happened here. Not only to be the President of the United States, but to change. Change the way that people perceive you. You have the power to change the legacy you will leave behind. I hope that you will take some encouragement from the presidents that have gone before you, both alive and deceased. Even if you disagree on policies, they have been there. They know what it is like to be in that office. They can offer invaluable advice, if you will only let them.
Some of your policies have merit. America does need to be great again, but not at the expense of its human beings. Remember you are governing a people, not a country. We are real, and we need help.
Please, no arrogance or ego in the office. There is no room for that. No more bragging about sexual conquests. No female genitalia grabbing. Be loyal and faithful to your wife. Be an example to all American men and boys of what a good husband and father should be – including your own. Imagine your own daughters and granddaughters being treated that way.
Don’t gloat over your win. Be gracious to those that are devastated by Mrs. Clinton’s loss, and accept that they have an opinion. These people are hurting right now. Give them the time and space to grieve.
You are Commander-in-Chief of the strongest military in the world. Please do not shame our veterans or their families. These people have given the ultimate sacrifice. If they did not lose their lives, many have lost their homes, their health, their jobs, or their sanity due to the things they have gone through. All gave some, some gave all. Respect them, and that.
Repay anyone who feels that they have been cheated. You are a multi-millionaire. Some of us are struggling from day to day. Don’t judge others based on your standards. Come and meet us where we are, and lead us to a better way.
Be generous in praise for those around you who deserve it. Acknowledge the hard work of others. Don’t take all of the credit for yourself.
Stop the hate. Do not affiliate yourself with groups that promote hate or the sense that one human being is better than another. We are all the same. We breathe the same way. We work the same way. We vote the same. And we hurt the same way. Be a good president, and leader for us all.
Work with those that oppose you. Do not dominate and threaten them. Rather find a way of communicating your thoughts and ideas in a clear and concise manner so that they can see the good in you, even if you have to appoint someone else to be your go-between. The strongest people are those that know their own weaknesses, so that they may account for them. Be the leader of a team, not a one man show.
You can’t shoot your mouth off at people without checking facts first. Stop threatening to sue people. That is not the answer to everything. Make your legal problems go away. Pay the people you owe money to. The country will admire you more for it.
Don’t be afraid to say “I don’t know,” or “I’m sorry.” That is my one single biggest piece of advice to you, as my President-Elect. If you make a mistake, own it – if not publicly, at least in private. It will keep you humble and understanding that you are not perfect. Your life from this moment on will be lived in a fish bowl. Your every move will be tracked and noted in the media. Remember that.
You are a savvy businessman. Put that to work for the American people. We need it badly.
Above all, treat every single human being with the respect and courtesy that they deserve.
My father, a career military man told me when I was young, ‘leaders stand out front and lead. They do not stand behind and push’. Please don’t push people. We can’t take any more.
Be our leader. Lead the world. Lead us back to greatness.
For America~
~ Lori
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