This was truly a labor of love.
The immortality of the vampire.
The super-human strength of the werewolf.
The hidden secrets of Mummies, Bigfoot, and Nessie.
Where did these myths and legends come from? And what can we learn about God from them?
Life has many hidden secrets and mysteries. Just like the werewolf is half-man and half-beast, man has both a good side and a dark side we struggle with. How do we know the difference between magic and a miracle? Shapeshifters are not always what they appear to be. How do we know what to believe?
Here are 40 Bible-based, Christ-centered devotionals to tame the wilds of our imagination and center these unruly beasts back onto the Great Creator of all things.
You can love both God and your imagination.
Available now in print, and for ebooks on Nook, Kindle, and Kobo. Coming soon to ibooks.
Wish It.
Do It.
Love and Dragons!
Faith & Fantasy…
Unbelievable Stories with an Undeniable Truth!
See life differently.
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Loretta Sinclair
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