Star Trek gave the Klingons the coveted cloaking Device.
In the Disney movie The Invisible Man, a scientist accidentally cooked up some goo that made him disappear.
What do all three of these have in common?
None of these people could disappear on their own. They all needed some type of fantasy or brew device to help them.
Christ is different.
John 8:59 tell us that when the angry mobs tried to seize Christ at the temple. “At this, they picked up stones to stone him, but Jesus hid himself, slipping away from the temple grounds.”
Did He change appearance, or make Himself invisible? Either seems plausible.
John 10:39 reveals that the crowds were angry, and tried to seize Christ, but He escaped from their hands…
The difference between the classic fantasy examples, and Christ is that He alone is the real thing. Being both fully God and fully man, He alone is able to perform such miracles. He needs no devices or goo to make him change.
So why did He do this? Why did He disappear from the sight of others to get away? Simple. Because His time had not yet come. He was sent to fulfill the law and the prophesies. There were those who were trying to kill Him, but His purpose was not yet complete. His time had not yet come.
We have been cloaked in forgiveness. Our sins are no longer visible. Psalm 103:12 tells us that they have been removed as far as the east is from the west, and they shall be remembered no more.
The biggest miracle of all was the one that made all our sins disappear!
Faith & Fantasy…
Unbelievable Stories with an Undeniable Truth!
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