So, to that end, let's talk about being unprepared.
We last left our story with Mary and Joseph being in the stable because the Inn was full. I guess they didn't think ahead to make reservations. It must have been hard back then with no internet. But if you think about it, how could they really prepare? Jesus was a carpenter by trade, so I am reasonable sure that he learned it from his earthly father. I would guess that Joseph had made a small crib for his new child to sleep in - at home. But then here comes Caesar Agustus and throws a wrench in the whole system making them take a long and tiresome journey at 9 months pregnant.
Plans change.
Life happens.
So in your writing, when life gets in the way, how do you handle it? Are you thankful for a stable and a manger? Or do you quit and give up?
Plans change. Maybe God wanted you to go a different direction, either with your work or with your life. Are you adaptable? Can you take a long and tiresome journey and still serve God at the end?
Something to think about.
See life differently.
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Loretta Sinclair