Are you single, like me? My sacrifice during this wilderness for me is dating.
And honestly, I do not have time for it. I know a lot of people who say that when the well runs dry and the offers stop coming in. But when you dedicate yourself to a book, with all of your free thinking time brainstorming, and your free after-hours time typing, there truly is no time for anything, or anyone else. And, as a single parent, I have two children to tend to as well. Now granted, my children are older, and I am so close to retirement I can taste it, but still they have things that I love to do for them and I will not take that time away no matter how old they get. Then there's church. While I may miss a Sunday or two here and there, I will not give up my God time either. That pretty much narrows the field down significantly.
There's time for significant others later on. right now my significant other is God, and this book that I promised Him I would write.
And so, we carry on, writing our novel together... just me and God.
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