I didn’t initially realize that until I did some research. The first werewolf survived over 800 years with no food or water, in a state of hibernation (according to Wikia – draw your own judgements here).
They descend from the 5th century and are presumed extinct. They can be killed by others creatures, or humans, but left to themselves, they do not age or die. They have piercing cobalt eyes, and froth at the mouth as though rabid. Upon changing, they grow (morph) into a creature of a much greater size, thereby ripping off all their clothes as they grow. This does not matter because they have their thick fur to cover their bodies. After turning they become truly terrifying creatures, howling at the moon that haunts them, and terrorizing those around them with their aggression.
There is a story in the Bible, of two men. They lived in a place called Gadarenes. They lived in the tombs. Today we would call that a graveyard, but at the time it was a series of caves that people used for burial. These two men had wild eyes, wild unkept hair, and ran around with no clothes on. They howled at the moon, terrorized the locals, and could not be near anyone or anything without destroying it. These were violent men. Everyone in the town was afraid of them. Had the term werewolf been around back then, it is possible these two men would have been labeled as them. However there was another explanation.
Jesus was visiting the area. When He approached them something interesting happened. The demons that had been possessing them became frightened, and spoke. They said:
29 “What do you want with us, Son of God?” they shouted. “Have you come here to torture us before the appointed time?”
The demons acknowledged that Jesus was the Son of God, and that there is an appointed time where they will be held accountable. Interesting. Even the devil knows there will be an end to his antics.
So the demons begged Jesus not to kill them, but to allow them to go into a herd of pigs (about 2,000) and He did. The pigs all went crazy, started running, ran off a cliff, fell into a lake and drowned. The two men were healed. But the townspeople were so afraid of what they had seen they begged Jesus to leave. So He did.
Nothing else is mentioned about the two men, and how their lives went on after that. Were they reunited with their families? Did they become believers? I sure would.
So what can heal a werewolf? Clearly, the Word of God.
See the whole story: Matthew 8:28
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