Learn to forgive - especially yourself.
One thing that I have learned in this life is that when I allow other people to steal my joy, then I have none. Seems simple, and I can hear some of you say 'Duh!" but think about it for a minute...
When someone makes you mad they walk away and you are left mad. When you are mad, that is all you can think about. You dwell on it, and you stew about it. This leaves you unable to think or work on your own creation. It steals your creativity. It does a lot more than just make you mad, it makes you weak and useless for the purposes of writing. Don't let someone else control your destiny. Don't let someone else suck your creativity and steal your work.
Don't let the enemy get a foothold.
Be assured, the other person doesn't even care that they've made you mad. Sometimes they feel as though they have a right to. Sometimes it is a game and they are playing you just for the reaction. They walk away feeling like a winner when you lose it. Don't give them the satisfaction.
Forgive them when they hurt you. forgive yourself for falling off tack. Forgive yourself for
being human.
Then stand up, brush off your knees, and start again.
Life goes on, and you have work to do.
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