I have been struggling at work for a week with someone who is just plain, flat out wrong, and refuses to do anything about it. This person has been arguing about something that she clearly knows nothing about, making decisions for other people and other companies without consulting anybody, and refusing to back down when things are plainly pointed out. Needless to say, it has been a frustrating week. I don't know why being right all the time is so stinking important to some people but it is. And I think it all goes back to one thing: PRIDE.
The old Israelites were a proud people. I think God called them "stiff-necked" at one point. They refused to admit when they were wrong. They complained constantly, and when they didn't get their way (when Moses was up on Mt. Sinai talking to God) they even went so far as to make a golden calf to worship. and here's the kicker:
When confronted about it by Moses, his brother Aaron said, "well they were all upset and scared, so I had them give me all their gold and jewelry. I threw it into the fire, and this calf came out! I don't know how it happened!" or something very close to that.
Why can we not admit our mistakes?
Why do we always have to be right?
Will we die if we are wrong?
It is all a matter of PRIDE. A problem as old as time.
What will you do the next time you are wrong? Will you be stiff-necked and proud? Or can you admit your mistakes, salvage the relationship, and move on together?
Think about it.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
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Jesus is my Life Coach!