At work, if I need to discipline an employee, or build a case of one kind or another, I need documentation. Names, dates, witnesses, what was said, who was present, and what happened. Thorough documentation = proof.
In the United States and numerous other countries, eyewitness accounts are valid evidence for finding the absolute truth to a situation. Multiple eyewitnesses to the same event are further evidence. I have never heard of a defense lawyer with multiple witnesses to a crime walk into court and claim that all of the witnesses had concocted a case of mass hysteria against their client. And any attorney claiming this would have to provide proof of his/her outrageous theory.
Yet, that's what the nay-sayers are claiming to discredit Christ's resurrection. Furthermore, there is no actual evidence that this mass hysteria actually occurred, and what caused it, nor has it happened again since. In any court of law, this incredulous theory would be thrown out as false and preposterous. It seems that people will try to argue anything rather than accept the truth.
We must be prepared and vigilant for when these arguments come our way. So when you hear this unfounded theory of mass hysteria, you can fire back with a few questions of your own.
Make them prove their outrageous argument, and remind them, there were well over 500 witnesses. That, by our Reasonable Doubt standard of today, is valid proof that Jesus rose from the dead.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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