We see this over and over again throughout history. The Nazi's in WWII thought the Jews were less than human, so it was okay to wipe them out. Building up to the American Civil War, Negroes were thought to be more animal than human. It was okay to enslave and abuse them. The slave owners couldn't have had it more wrong.
We see it today too. From the radical religious groups to high school campuses, hatred runs free, and it all starts with the first step, de-humanizing a person.
How many times have you heard something like this. "Look at her. She thinks she's so hot. She's such a b*(&^%."
So now the person is no longer a person, she is just a b*(&^%, so it is okay to hate since they are not a real person anyway. Once you slap a label on someone, they become that label and cease being a person in many people's minds.
How do we prevent this. Stop labeling others to start with. No matter what you think of another person, they are still a human being, and deserve to be treated as such. And just like you may dislike some of the things that they do, they most likely dislike what you do too. Remember:
What comes around, goes around;
What you sow, so shall you reap;
karma's a b*(&^%.
And most important, Jesus came to die for all, not just the ones He liked.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
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