It happens every year. And no matter how much lotion I put on them, it never seems to be enough. I have to apply it multiple times a day to keep any sort of edge up on the problem.
Now picture living in Jesus' time. The main mode of transportation was walking... in sandals, or barefoot... on hot sand. All Day Long! The average person back then walked about 20 miles a day, and more if they were traveling anywhere. In Jesus' ministry it was likely a lot more. And I'm sure there wasn't enough lotion in the world to minister to those hot, dry, cracked feet.
That's what makes the story of the woman pouring expensive oil on His feet, and then washing them off with her hair even more poignant for me. You see, these were not the finely manicured feet of an earthly king. These were the feet sacrificed for His kingdom. These were not the rested feet of a man who had servants to do His bidding. These were the feet that walked everywhere to take His message to the world, personally. These were feet that hurt. These were the feet of a messenger and a laborer who worked hard to spread the word of God. His word.
I'm sure the woman's feet were in terrible shape too. Women were servants to their husbands and families back then. Her feet were likely tired, sore, aching, and bleeding too - yet she chose not to save the oil for herself, but to give it to the one who was her Savior. Her Lord. Her Jesus. This was one thing that she could do to make a difference. Before his death on the cross (another degradation to His feet) she could make them feel better... make them feel like the King He was, and still is.
History does not record her name, but it records the selflessness and honesty of her deed. We can all learn a lesson from her.
What can you do to soothe the aches and pains of another?
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
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