I don't want to take out the trash, Mom. DEAL WITH IT.
I have too much homework, teacher. GET OVER IT.
People close to me still tend to use this phrase a lot, and quite frankly, it is about the most selfish thing I have ever heard. Read between the lines. What do you hear?
I know that something that I have either done, or am about to do, either has or will hurt someone else's feelings - AND I AM GOING TO DO IT ANYWAY. GET OVER IT.
I am more important that you are. I make the decisions even though it affects your life. DEAL WITH IT.
I'm in charge. You mean nothing to me. DEAL WITH IT.
It's a flippant way of dismissing the feelings of others without a second thought, and it's rude.
And moreover than that, it is used for situations where there is no person in actual authority - just a person trying to gain control and do things without others being involved. It shows pure selfishness, control, and a complete lack of caring for those around you.
Christ teaches that whoever wants to be first in the Kingdom of Heaven shall be last here on earth. We should not spend our days stabbing each other in the back trying to get more here (more respect, more money, more control, more, more, more). If anything, we should be spending our days learning how to lift others up and how to serve others. There should be no reason for anyone to get over anything if we could all treat each other with mutual respect and love.
So the next time you hear someone use the phrase GET OVER IT! Remind them that Christ came to deal with sin and death so that we don't have to. That should be the only thing we should ever have to DEAL WITH.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
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