Which face do you hide behind? Does the world have to see you as perfect, or your life will fall apart? What are you hiding from the world?
I was a chubby kid. I still struggle with my weight. When I was growing up, the knowledge of the day was to cover up anything that was unflattering. Many-a chubby kid wore tent dresses, long pants in the hot summer, and long sleeves to cover up flabby arms. If you cover it up, then it wasn't a problem.
The problem was that covering it up made it more noticeable. It made things worse. I'm not blaming anyone. People were just doing what they felt was right. But, in the end, it wasn't.
How else do we do that today? It seems impossible for some people to admit that they made a mistake. Why acknowledge it when you can simply pretend that it never happened?
I didn't know!
I wasn't paying attention.
Yes, I knew it was happening, but I just chose not to do anything about it.
I was just trying to help.
It wasn't my fault.
That's the bottom line. It wasn't my fault. No one wants to accept responsibility for the hurt that they have directly caused others. If you are hurting, then you must be dysfunctional. You are the problem. Others should be allowed to do anything they want to, and if it hurts you, then you are the problem. It's not their fault.
This is not what Christ teaches. Not even close. You cannot be forgiven for your sins unless you acknowledge them. Yes, Lord. I made a mistake. It was my fault and I am sorry. I didn't mean to, but I did. Christ has already taken the punishment for all of our sins. He has born the pain to set us all free. All we need to do is admit our faults.
Whatever the source of the sin: not strong enough to stand up to others, severe insecurity, arrogance, selfishness, or something deeper. Reach down inside and do the right thing. Take hold of that sin that has been holding you for so long, and get rid of it. Admit it to God and throw it out the window. Get rid of it before it gets a hold on you again. As long as you hold it inside, there is a chance that it can take over once again.
On top of all that, if forgiveness isn't enough, you will earn the respect and love of the people that you have hurt. They will see you in a whole new light. They will see the 'true you' rather than the image that you portray to everyone else.
Don't be a "perfect shell" of a human being that is too afraid to admit faults. And don't blame your faults and insecurities on others. Stand up. Take responsibility. Be the bigger person and show others that you struggle with being human too. Others will respect you even more for it.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing