Having other believers that I can spend time with helps. The big churchy word for that is Fellowship. You see God knew we needed support. That's why he created Eve from Adam. We need friends. Have you ever known anyone that had no friends and was completely isolated and alone? Often they are cranky and mean. They have an expectation that everything should be the way they want it. Their social skills are somewhat lacking, and they are generally not pleasant to be around. This is not how God intended for us to live. We are meant to be part of a community.
The Bible says that good friends are to be treasured. They are hard to come by sometimes. People seem to have their own agenda these days. When you find someone trustworthy and loyal, keep them close. They are worth far more than money.
I encourage you to find your community, your tribe, your peeps, or whatever you choose to call your own like-minded people. A great place to start is your church. If you are a writer, I encourage you to check out your local writers groups. There are some that have an online presence like Inspire Christian Writers does. With programs like Skype, FaceTime, and GoToMeeting, there is no reason not to have a connection with others. Find common interests and start there. It can be a gardening club, a fine dining group, or people that help the homeless. What is your passion? What do you care about? Find those people and start making connections. I promise you, it will be worth it.
Image courtesy of Teachers Pay Teachers
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
Tweet me @LorettaLea
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!