Is there someone in your life that is keeping you from reaching your full potential. Some circumstance? Some overly-critical person who puts you down at every possible moment. They always have to have the upper hand. Full control of every single circumstance ~ like the world would end if they relinquished that control for even one minute.
Someone who is trying to shove you into their own box of limitations?
For me, it is certain members of my family. Crippling, life altering insecurity runs in my family. So do severe control issues. They are unable to get past their own negative thoughts and perceived limitations. I have always believed that the sky is the limit, and still do. It took me a long, long time to realize that others do not. Whatever their limitations are, they try to keep those close to them chained down by those same limitations. You see, for some, some very close to me, life is a competition. There is always a sense of "I have to be better than you, so I can feel good about myself."
We try to do this to God too. We shove God into our human sized box of control. Sometimes our God-box even has handles so we can take Him with us wherever we go ~ still under our control and caged so we can keep Him right where we want Him. We limit Him to what we can imagine in our own human brains. The problem is that God is so much greater than mere human. When we do this, we are putting God into our own box; holding Him down; keeping Him on our own level, and never really allowing Him to guide us into our untapped potential.
"Let Go and Let God," was a popular phrase a few years back, and it still holds true today. When we limit the outcome to what we want, then we limit the opportunity for a miracle...
...and yes, miracles do sill occur today. Just open your eyes and your mind, and look around.
So the next time you find yourself telling the Great and Only God of the Universe that something is impossible, remember who you are talking to. Nothing is impossible for Him, or for you if you open your box of limitations and let both of you out!
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!