Yes! Really. Think of it like this:
A bear was walking through the woods (we've all heard a version of this), and comes across a cabin. The bear says to his buddy, "look at that. There is no way that a human could have ever created that. Look how the logs all fit together perfectly. And they created light for the inside. Not possible! Food in metal cans. Cars that run on old decayed fossils! No Way! It doesn't make any sense to me. There is no way that humans are that advanced that they could figure stuff like that out."
The buddy bear says, "yeah. No way. Let's grab some lunch off what they think they invented."
What we think and what God thinks are so different there is no way we could ever conceive of what His thoughts and skills might be. What seems like a miracle to a dog, when a Veterinarian heals him, is just an everyday occurrence for us. Imagine trying to make sense of the world from another species' point of view. That's what we are trying to do.
And to top it all off, we are telling God that he isn't capable of doing any of it because we just don't believe it.
Just like the bear has to open his mind to the possibilities of what we humans know we can do, so do we humans have to open our minds to what God can do. To think that we are the most intelligent creatures in the universe is arrogant. We had to come from somewhere.
Hey, I know. Let's ask God!
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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#jclc #Sinclair
Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!