The problem is that this does not work. Why? Because there is always someone who gets hurt. We justify it by just not thinking about the others. Here are some examples?
What would you say to the victim of a child molester? "It was good for him, so he gets to do whatever he wants. You don't have any right to tell him otherwise."
How about the mother of a teenager that was killed because another driver was texting while they were on the road. "It doesn't bother anyone else if I am on my cell phone, so I get to do it. It's good for me, so leave me alone."
So now we start to justify why certain things are ok, and other things are not. We get to pick and choose what will work and what will not. Except that we can't, because every one of us has a different point of view. We were all raised differently, and we all see the world differently. Just took at the terrorists. They fully believe what they are doing is right, and justify their actions.
What would you say to the bank robber when he says that no one was hurt by his acts. "The money is all federally insured so no one actually lost anything"--well except for all of the tax dollars that need to repay the people whose actual money was stolen.
What do you say to the child who is abused and neglected at home. Who grew up feeling unloved because the parents were off partying and never took care of their own children?
What would you say to the victims of identity theft? Who have their entire lives ruined because someone else did not think there was anything wrong with violating their privacy and stealing their personal information?
Moral relativism does not work because as a society we need to look out for each other. That's what societies, cities, neighborhoods, friends, families, coworkers, churches, and moral people do. They do not look our for themselves, forsaking all others so that they can get what they want above all else. It's not about me. It's about us.
The Bible tells us that we are to be obedient to the laws under which we live, and to pray for our leaders. Society rules and laws are there for a reason... because someone always gets hurt by selfish thoughtless acts. It may not seem thoughtless to you at the time, but think about this:
It's illegal for a reason. Because someone, somewhere was hurt by the act which you are about to justify as silly.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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