Actually it's not the elections that I hate, but the mudslinging, insulting, accusatory month leading up to election day. I especially hate the 'personalized' recorded phone calls from celebrities urging me to get out and vote the way they tell me to.
But this year is something new. I am seeing something that I have never seen before. A candidate laying blame for his defeat even before the election. It is completely self-deprecating behavior. My daughter would call it a self-fulfilling prophecy.
What it is, is history. It's an example for all of our children on what not to do when you chase your dream. If you want something, go after it wholeheartedly, or not at all. Don't be lukewarm about anything.
Don't take me to that party. I hate everyone there. I won't have a good time. I will be miserable...... see, I told you so.
I can't play baseball. I'm going to lose the game. I can't run. I can't catch. I can't pitch. Everyone hates me. See, I told you so.
It's not my fault.
The election is rigged. I don't care if I lose. I've spent $20 million of my own money, but I won't miss it. I don't need it. Hillary is cheating.
It's almost embarrassing to see Donald Trump act this way. But it also brought to mind a thought.
If you could do anything, anything in this world, and know without a doubt in your heart you could not fail, what would it be?
"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." Philippians 4:13
For me it was write a book. And guess what, I did it. It wasn't a very good book, but it was a place to start. I have written several others since then, but I keep that first one around to remind me of the goodness of God.
If I can do it, so can you. And so can Donald Trump.
If The Donald would just put his trust in things greater than himself, he might not suffer from such intense denial and anxiety. He might stand a chance. But when he doesn't even stand behind himself, I fear for what the future holds as an outcome.
So, now it's your turn. If you could do absolutely anything in this world, and know without a doubt in your heart that you could not fails, what would you do?
Don't waster too much time. The next election is only four years away!
Think it.
Dream it.
Do it.
And encourage each other on the way.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
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