These are my personal opinions:
Dear Mark Driscoll;
You, sir, are an idiot. How dare you take the precious human lives of literally billions of human beings back to the time of creation and demean them this way. The Bible teaches that Christ came to this earth to die for each and every single person who has ever lived, should they choose to accept this free gift. To demean women like this and make them a 'thing' rather than a person is unconscionable. I would like to see your justification of this belief, chapter and verse if you please.
When you have very low self-esteem, or little or no self-worth, the fastest way to build that back up is by knocking someone else down. Mr. Driscoll, why are you so threatened by women? This is evident in your attempt to hold us down. If we weren't such a force in life, then we would be of no consequence to you and your organization.
If women are the keepers of all male respective penises, then who is the keeper of your brain, since you are clearly not using it? Perhaps that is us too, since it appears that is what you are using to think with. Again, chapter and verse, if you please.
The Bible warns of many false prophets in the last days. Your blatant divergence from scripture and your practice of making fun of Jesus (please see http://www.driscollcontroversy.com/) during sermons is unacceptable. This fact is further proven by the fact that you were expelled by your own organization for "ungodly and disqualifying behavior". There are accusations of plagerism, inappropriate use of church funds, and misconduct. All blatantly illegal, as well as unethical.
To my readers; don't take my word for it. Google him and see what you find. I beg you to remember this is Religion taken astray by man. This is not what GOD is all about. There is a difference.
I encourage everyone to seek a church where you are valued and appreciated, not put down and demeaned. If anyone tries to make you a 'thing' rather than a person, run as far and as fast as you can. If there is ever anything that is preached that cannot be backed up with Scripture, run. If there is an over-emphasis on sex and physical relations, this is a danger sign. Run!
Do not be afraid to confront those wrong doers. The Bible says to go to the person and tell them what they are doing wrong. If they do not listen, bring "brothers" (i.e. others, friends, family, other people). If they still do not listen, then take it to the church. If after this, the person still refuses to turn, then they are expelled from the church.
But then, I guess that has already happened, hasn't it?
Beware of the wolf in sheep's clothing. He is on the prowl tonight.
~Until next time,
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Loretta Sinclair
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