Basically, it means to be a student. We've all been one of those at one time or another. Some of us still are. To be a disciple means to be a follower, a student, or a learner.
It also does not escape me that it contains the root for the word discipline. Being a student also takes discipline, to study and learn everything that we have to.
So there you have it. Something we can all understand and do. And as the newly elected Discipleship leader for Peace Lutheran Church in Sacramento (drop on by anytime), I will be issuing weekly challenges for all of us students and follower-learners to grow by.
Christ was Thankful.
In all things, give thanks. So what are we thankful for. Saying the things that are right in front of you is too easy. Home, job, family, spouse, and health are all off limits here. This is meant to stretch your intelligence and challenge your mind.
So, I want everyone to pick something NEGATIVE that has happened to you, and state why you are thankful for it.
All things means ALL THINGS. How did something bad happening improve your situation?
For me, nearing the end of my working career, I can look back and say that every time I changed jobs (either by choice or not), I ended up with a better one. Better hours, better pay, better conditions. And, I probably would not have made those changes if left to my own devices. I get very comfortable and complacent. I am thankful that I am where I am in life, and also thankful for how I got here.
How about you? What can you thank God for today that you never saw coming?
Until next time...
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!