(Read the full article here)
Now, as a fantasy author myself, I understand what they are trying to do. The Pope is dealing with the "Me Generation" where people are much more focused on themselves and fulfilling their own needs and wants, than being aware of the needs of those around them. There is also declining church attendance, and by default, declining revenues. So, the age-old problem of getting butts into pews is not a new one. And finding new and unique ways to do it is not new either.
The danger zone here is the "re-writing" phrase. If Ms. Rowling's intent is to take the Bible and create a like-minded story (emphasis on the word story) then power to her. Go forth and write. If the use of fictionalized stories can help young people relate to God in a new and different way, then I am all for it. Understanding that this will be a story, from human origins, and not the inspired word of God.
But if the intent is to "modernize the word of God" and make the gospel more "accessible and understandable for young Catholics and Christians," then I think we have entered the danger zone. There are a great many scholars who have spent many decades making things more modern but still staying with the true intent of the original authors of the Bible. When you take something sacred, as in the word of God, and change its meaning, then you have entered a whole new world. I am reminded of the last words of Revelation:
"If anyone adds to, or detracts from this book -exactly as it is written, will be forever damned".
The article states:
“Judas is probably going to wear a leather jacket and JK is toying with the idea of a nervous twitch or even an eye-patch. Also why have one book when can have more? She is thinking of splitting it up into 9, maybe 10 books” the author’s publicist shared with WWN.
Dementors in the Bible? Replacing the Liviathon with other creatures instead? Like a Unicorn? Seriously? I know she was accused of witchcraft and devil worship by those close-minded people who never bothered to read Harry Potter, but really? I'm stunned - not by her, but by the actions of the Vatican and the Pope himself.
It further gives its reasoning as:
“The sales of the Jesus Christ action figure have dropped by over 200% in the last 10 years, we are in need of new, compelling and toy-friendly characters…like the dinosaur in Toy Story,” a source close to the Pope told WWN.
“Our revenue streams are shrinking so the more Hollywood-esque the better,” the source concluded.
If the reason for this is money for the church, I remind our readers of one more item:
"Those that do not remember the past, are doomed to repeat it."
Ms. Rowling.: I pray that you will weigh the gravity of what is before you, and that the words that flow from your pen will be blessed and true - for the sake of all young persons that will read it... Christian and not.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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Loretta Sinclair
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