In every pack, there is an Omega wolf, the least member of the pack. This poor wolf has the lowest standing of all pack members. He is the last to join the hunt, and the last to eat. When they travel, he is never out front, but takes up the rear position. He is also responsible for relieving the tensions of the pack when times of stress are upon them. He can do this by creating diversions - joking around if you can imagine that. Or, it can be much more brutal.
There are times when the entire pack gang up and attack the Omega wolf. They take out their aggressions on him. In one YouTube video, you can see the Omega wolf of this particular pack being attacked from all directions. Typically off by himself, you see the tensions begin to rise when his tail slips between his legs. The others circle and begin nipping at him. Soon the entire pack has joined in and are attacking from all angles. (It is important to note that the Omega is generally never physically hurt, as in this video. These attacks are meant to 'put him in his place' and to relieve the tension and stress that has built up in the rest of the wolves.) He exists for them to beat up on and to make them feel better.
At times I feel like this Omega wolf, getting attacked from all angles. It can come from work, school, home, family, friends, etc. Some days there is no rest. The busier we all get, running from place to place, the harder life seems to get. That's when the attacks can happen. Some days I get so frustrated because no one else seems to understand.
But someone does.
God said "I am the Alpha and the Omega", the Beginning and the End. I used to think that meant the beginning of the Universe, and the end (when it comes) and everything in between. I never considered it in the aspect of the wolf pack. He is the ultimate Alpha male, in charge of all things concerning the Human Pack, but also the ultimate Omega Human. When Jesus died on the cross, he took the unfair beatings, the blame, the attacks from all sides of humanity- and did so willingly. He took the attack from us so that we would not have to. He stepped down from the Alpha position and willingly became the Omega, for us.
So the next time that life attacks you from all sides, and you begin to feel like the lone Omega wolf, think on the Omega Human, that took all of our attacks for us. Remember Him and smile. He did it for you.
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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