'Who shall I say sent me. God replied "Tell them, 'I Am'."
Has anyone else struggled with this passage besides me? No matter how hard I tried, I could never grasp what that meant. From my human brain, I wondered, what kind of answer is that? Why can't he just say He is God. Spell it out. Put an end to the argument so Pharaoh would know exactly who and what he was dealing with. For years I battled and struggled with this passage, and then.... ta da! the light went on!
'I Am' is not meant to be a noun... as in a person, place or thing. It's not a name. It's not a label, or an identity. It's an action. 'I Am' is a verb.
On a dark and lonely night, when someone cries out in the emptiness and despair of their heart, "God, are you real?" And He says back "I Am."
In the frightening Emergency Room when lives are on the line every day, and someone begs, "God, please don't leave me. Stay by my side." He whispers "I Am."
We can't make it through this life alone. Satan is on our heels and temptation is at every corner. When we're battered beyond our ability to cope and wonder where our friends are. Is anybody here with me? A still, small voice reassures us, "Yes, my precious little child, I Am."
Until next time,
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Re-Inventing the Impossible
Loretta Sinclair
Sinclair Publishing
Jesus is my Life Coach!