Do you speak Latin? I don't. Neither did the congregations. So they had to rely on the interpretations and instructions of the priests.
So, not to bring up indelicate subjects, but Catholic priests are human beings, just like the rest of us. They wrestle with sin and the real world just like the rest of us. They were doing some not-so-nice things back then, and there were some major misinterpretations of the Bible. Martin Luther, an Augustinian friar, became aware of these flaws and mis-teachings when studying the Bible for himself as an educated man.
So what did he do?
He stood up.
He said 'no'.
He refused to tolerate the injustices that were happening.
And the people followed him... in droves. He tried to send them away but word spread and they just kept coming.
Now Martin Luther never set out to start his own church (today's Lutheran church) but when he began to teach what the true word of God was, people flocked to his side. They were drawn by the words and teachings preached by this man. It was a truth they had never heard before. This was the beginning of what we now call The Reformation. It is due to this man alone that we all have Bibles in our own homes, and in our own languages.
One man, with a dream, can be a dangerous thing to the establishment. Are you that man/woman with a dream?
Sometimes we are led directions that we never had any intention of going. I believe this is the leading of God. Was it dangerous for Martin Luther to do this? Yes. He had a price on his head. He was excommunicated from the Catholic church. He went into hiding to save his life. He lost his home and his church-family.
But he not only found the true nature of God, but he led others to find Him too.
All this to ask the question - When you see an injustice, particularly an injustice against God or the church, what do you do? Do you stand up? Do you say NO! Do you refuse to allow the injustice?
Think about it. Your day may come.
See life differently.
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