There are some things with this course of study that I struggle with, like the scientific evidence for the existence of God. Science was never my strong suit, and it still is not. Other things make perfect sense, while still others stop me dead in my tracks. Like this question:
Why would so many people die, for a lie?
People throughout time have offered their theories (and that's all they are, theories) of different circumstances. Like mass hallucinations of seeing Christ after he was crucified. There is no evidence for this, nor any explanations of what caused these hallucinations, but the theory has been thrown out there none-the-less.
My personal favorite is that religion (of any kind) is simply a crutch for the weak. Now, just ask anyone who has ever known me and the word weak does not come up. And, if a person was truly that weak, why would they be willing to step up and die for something they believed in? Wouldn't that take greater-than-average strength instead?
So we're left with this dilemma. Why would a person give their life for something that was a lie?
Well, it's never been proven that it's a lie.
Perhaps they are willing to take this step, because it's true. Maybe they know something that you don't.
Maybe... just maybe... there's something to this religion-thing after all.
Just consider the possibilities,
Until next time:
Peace to you and yours,
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