So when people are telling you the simple fact that dinosaurs existed millions and millions of years disproves the Bible, what do we say?
When radio-carbon dating places a certain rock or artifact at 350 million years ago, how do we counter that? I've even heard a highly educated Bible teaching professor and scholar say that 4 or 5 days out of the week he is a New Earth believer (a believer that the earth was created in seven literal days like Genesis says) but that the other 2 to 3 days of the week he is an Old Earth believer (the belief that the earth is literally millions of years old and that Genesis is not a literal story, but rather a figurative one).
It's a hard discussion to have. On the one point, no one was here 350 million years ago. Mankind cannot have any kind of history or proof for anything that went back that far. On the other hand, no one was here to see God create the earth either. What we are looking for is a logical answer that can account for both lines of thought. I never thought I would be able to find it-- UNTIL...
I saw this movie: Is Genesis History.
And that's when I got my answer. I am now a New Earth person, ready to defend the faith and tackle the arguments that come up regarding this. I have never recommended a product here on my blog before, but this is one that I cannot pass on. If you are interested in earth's history at all, watch this. It explains many of the "scientific facts" for an Old Earth creation theory, in a very conversational engaging style. It is available on Netflix if you do not wish to purchase it. It is available through our good friends at www.Genesisapologetics.com . I have met one of the primary people, Dan Biddle. He is a passionate, dedicated, and deeply caring individual. I highly recommend this company and their products. Check them out.
In the meantime, check out the movie and drop a comment. Let me know what you think. Are you as impressed with this documentary as I was.
Peace to you and yours,
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