None of us is perfect. Not one.
Many people believe that if they are "mostly good", or "have a good heart" that will be enough for God to look the other way for the things they have done wrong. This is a false belief. The Bible tells us that "All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God." As my pastor indicates, All means... All. There is no fancy Biblical meaning for that word. It means exactly what it says. We are all imperfect.
The argument of "I am a good person who does good things for everyone" doesn't fly if you go home and are mean to your own family. If you do 1,000 good deeds, and commit 1 sin, then you are still a sinful person in the eyes of God. But you are not alone. All of humanity is with you.
Wrong is wrong. There are not degrees of sin. To say, yes, I am a sinner, but your sin is worse than mine, is also a flawed statement. Imperfect is imperfect no matter how you measure it. We cannot say, I am imperfect, but I am closer to perfect than you are. We are not in competition with each other. That's where this thinking originates from. God will judge each of us on our own. We will not stand next to someone who is "worse" than we are, so we get in and they don't. That's not how the judgement will be. Each of us will be called to give an account of our lives. There is no comparison to other people.
But if we confess our sins, no matter how numerous, or few they may be, God will forgive our sins and wipe them from His memory. He says that they are as far away from Him as the east is from the west, and He will remember them no more. That doesn't mean that there won't be consequences for those sins. If we kill someone, we still must go to jail. If we hurt a loved one, we must still make amends for that hurt. But God will no longer hold them against us. So on judgement day I can stand and say, yes I was wrong. I am imperfect, but I love and trust you God. You are my Lord and Savior. I put my life into Your hands.
Who do you trust with your life - your eternal life? Are you in competition with others, and yourself to be perfect? You don't have to be. Yes, we have all sinned, and we will probably do it again. But take heart. Jesus came to conquer the world, sin, and death. Just confess to Him how sorry you are, and try to not do it again. It's amazing how free you will feel after that. Give it a try.
Until Next time,